How to distribute compressed air

The source of compressed air is produced by a compressor and transmitted to a distribution network at the factory. To ensure that the amount of air is acceptable, the care unit equipment is used to prepare compressed air before it reaches the control system.

In the case of compressed air preparation, the failure of the system will be significantly reduced. In preparing the work air, various modes should be considered:

1. The amount of compressed air needed to meet the system requirements

2. The type of compressor used to generate compressed air is required.

3. Pressure required

4. Resources needed

5. Essentials for creating clean airlines

6. Acceptable moisture levels to reduce corrosion in the system and prevent high friction performance

7. Lubrication

8. The size of the lines and the lions to meet the system requirements

9. Selection of materials to meet the requirements of our system and environment

10. Sealing points and compressed air outlets in system splits


Of course, for educational purposes, it is recommended that KPA be 500 to 600 KPA. Due to the pressure drop in the distribution system, the compressor should have the ability to generate a pressure of 650 KPA to 700 KPA to achieve these values.

To reduce pressure fluctuations, a reservoir should be used. In some cases, the receiver is also used for the repository.

The compressor fills a tank that is like a storage tank.

The pipe droplet of an air distribution system should be chosen in such a way that the pressure drop between the pressure vessel and the consumer parts is not ideally rejected from the value of 10 KPA.

The following are effective in choosing the drop pipe:

  • Flow rate

  • Line length

  • Virtual pressure drop

  • Work pressure

  • Number of current control points in line


In most cases, loop circuits are used as much as the main lines. This method of installing pressure lines also makes it possible to achieve a constant supply of highly compressed air. The pipelines must be installed in the direction of flow with a gradient of 1 to 2%. This is especially important about split lines. Liquefied water can be removed from the bottom of the airlines.

Where the system's lines are horizontally placed, any branch for the compressed air consumption points must always be installed on the top of the mainline. Splints that are used to evaporate moisture in the air are installed on the bottom of the main line. For closing part of the compressed air lines, if there is no need for that part, or if it is laid down for repair, the terminals are used.


Author: M. Ebrahimi - Compressor Behsan